Come out, come out wherever you are!

Mardi Gras will soon be upon us with its parties, parades, and revelries.  And then there are the masks.  I love wearing masks.   I love wearing disguises.   I love taking on a role and a persona that is foreign to me.  It’s a lot of fun.  But, only for a time.

Masks. Hmm.

So, why do we wear these? What purpose do they serve?

Well, they hide our true selves.  They keep others guessing about who we are.  They remake us into someone or something else. . . at least superficially.

Now, you may have guessed at this point that I’m not talking about wearing masks for costume parties or masquerade balls.  I’m talking real life.


Even if we put them on regularly, at some point, the masks must come off.  Now, some of us are just naturally more adept at keeping our masks on tight.  But in time, someone, somewhere will see that mask come off, or at least slip to the side.

When you get dressed in the morning do you anticipate who you may see or run into?  Does it make you dress differently?  And does the dressing then influence your behavior?  What about this: you run into someone unexpectedly or an unexpected situation and all of a sudden something in you changes.  Your speech, your mannerisms, your true self?  I think I’ve had days like that, in fact, I know I have.  I am guilty of changing my persona, of trying on different “masks” for different situations.  Which is ridiculous if you think about it.

What is it that I’m trying to prove?  It’s pretty ugly really.




Now, some may say that it’s only adaptive behavior necessary for functioning properly in the world.  But what happens when you are caught with your mask down?  Who are you then?  And which one is the real you?  Do others really know you, or just the “you” that you allow others to see?  And what is that except abject insecurity and fear?  God made us.  So why are we constantly trying to change ourselves into something that we’re not?  Something that we think others want to see rather than our true selves?

I would rather have someone like me for who I really am – the good, the bad, and the ugly – than have someone like me based on what I have only allowed them to see in me.  Because that then becomes the “me” that they like, not the real me.

I have found that the people I am most drawn to are those who have let down their guard and let me into their lives, allowing me to truly see and get to know them.  In turn, I then feel more free to remove my masks and let them see me for who I truly am.  I think people respect you more when you are truly yourself.  And as a former people-pleaser extraordinaire, that’s saying a lot!

God did not create cookie-cutter children.  Each of us is unique and special.  Let’s celebrate our differences and uniqueness!  So, come out, come out, wherever you are!  Stop hiding!  Take off those masks, relax, and let others see the real you.  Look in the mirror and thank God for making you in His image.  Let your life be a testimony to the creativity of Yeshua, our Lord!  You’ll experience a freedom unlike any other.  So, let’s get going and start living as the “you” God created you to be!

“For You formed my inward parts: You covered me in my mother’s womb.  I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”  (Psalm 139: 13-14)

Blessings and Peace in Yeshua,

Kathleen (Devoted to Yeshua)

Go God!!!

The Super Bowl is this Sunday and I’m excited!  I love football and I love it that my quarterback, Peyton Manning is in the game . . .go Broncos!!!  I get such a kick out of the anticipation, the pre-game activities, the noise and passion of the fans as well as the players.  And I must admit, I get very excited too: moaning over bad plays or bad calls, jumping up and down for a touchdown and enjoying it all with a treat of chips and chili-cheese dip!

We, as fans, unreservedly stomp, clap, and cheer our team on as we shout our collective chants, do “the wave”, and paint ourselves in team colors.

But . . .  this is only sport, a game we are getting so pumped up about.  What about the thing, the One Thing which matters the most – our Christianity?

Do we share our faith with others as enthusiastically as we share our team support?

Do we sing and celebrate and praise our God as well as we do our team?

Or are we too embarrassed to speak to others about our Lord and Savior – outside of church –  retreating quietly for the rest of our week; not even defending our faith or our Lord and His Name?

What would it be like to exhibit the same enthusiasm for God as we do for our teams? Imagine a whole stadium cheering and chanting the Name of Jesus, throwing our arms and heads up in praise to our Messiah and bringing others along for the celebration and worship as readily as we participate and support our teams.

So, go ahead and enjoy the game!  Have fun and celebrate! But, let’s ask ourselves this: shouldn’t we be as passionate and demonstrative in our Christian walk and in proclaiming the Gospel as we are in our support of our team?

So, how well do you wear your colors in the arena of your faith?

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ . . .” (Romans 1:16)

*Note: when I started this blog I did not foresee another call on my life to take on something else which will be consuming most of my time.  I realize I cannot do everything, and so I will be limiting my blog to once a month as I step into a new venture with the Lord.  Please pray for me.  And thank you for your faithfulness in hanging with me through my blog adventure.  I hope you will continue to share it with me monthly.

Blessings and Peace in the Name of Yeshua,


Devoted to Yeshua

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